About TESC

Welcome...! In a dissonant world full of corruption and hate everybody has got a complex. TESC was formed in a cold winter in 2009. Four Friends sharing the passion of making music straight from the heart. Four guys who don't care about trends and hypes. Just being influenced by life itself and the self-destructive phenomenon called human being, this group of people want their personal opinion to be spoken by their instruments. TESC is looking forward to every live-show to party with people who share their habits. So don't hesitate to participate in their shows for getting your personal complex.

Genre: Deathcore / Progressive / Metal

Members: Michael - Vocals
                 Michael - Guitar
                 Adrian - Bass
                 Stefan - Drums

: https://www.facebook.com/TheEbenezerScroogeComplex

For Contact and booking, please write an email to: [email protected]